05/01/2015 |
Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
29/12/2014 |
Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
29/12/2014 |
Financial Supervisory Authority has endorsed several amendments to the Constitutive Act
22/12/2014 |
Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
18/12/2014 |
Update regarding the legal action filed by Filiala Hidroelectrica Hidrosind
16/12/2014 |
Supporting materials related to the 21 January 2015 Extraordinary General Shareholders' Meeting
15/12/2014 |
Notification regarding the transactions performed during the buy-back program
12/12/2014 |
November 2014 Factsheet
12/12/2014 |
28 November 2014 NAV report
11/12/2014 |
Supplemented convening notice of Fondul Proprietateaęs Extraordinary General Shareholdersę Meeting scheduled for 21 January 2015
09/12/2014 |
Shareholder Structure as at 30 November 2014
08/12/2014 |
Settlement of the transactions related to the Public Tender Offer initiated by the Fund in view of carrying out the fourthľ buy-back programme
08/12/2014 |
Request for supplementing the agenda of the Funds Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting to be held on 21 January 2015
04/12/2014 |
Finalization of the Public Tender Offer initiated by Fondul Proprietatea SA in view of carrying out the fourth buy-back programme
03/12/2014 |
Fondul Proprietatea expresses its disappointment that ASF has failed to approve the new DIs Regulation
27/11/2014 |
Fondul Proprietatea and investors concerned by recent changes to the energy distribution tariffs methodology
27/11/2014 |
Update regarding the secondary listing of Fondul Proprietatea on the London Stock Exchange
21/11/2014 |
Update regarding the registration of the new value of the paid-up share capital
21/11/2014 |
Fondul Proprietatea showcases Romanian companies to investors with over USD 700 billion assets under management
19/11/2014 |
The resolutions of the Extraordinary and Ordinary General Shareholders Meetings of 19 November 2014